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One of the meanings of the Sanskrit word Vati is a small house in a garden. Vati can also mean healing medicine. Ten years ago, I aimed to build both when I purchased the property. I could clearly see the potential for a beautifully intimate and traditional yoga shala. I enlisted the help of a master builder, friend and student Colin Groth, and his friend Kevin Neiland. I also had the beautiful design vision of architect  Bronwyn Barry who imagined as eco-friendly a building as possible.

Together, Brownyn and Colin made a prototype passive house using the most environmentally friendly materials possible. Colin told me I could lick the varnish off the walls it was so safe. 

Below find the unfolding story of Vati.


Humble Beginnings

Vati started out as a garage and dumping ground. Behold below the miraculous transformation! 

And the journey continues.

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The original vision included a throne that had coffee dispensers on the arms. It was eventually overthrown for more practical considerations. 

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The Visionary

Colin Groth worked tirelessly to make this the most beautiful and carefully crafted space imaginable. He removed each external slat of old growth Redwood and replaned it and returned it to the walls of Vati.  Not a single piece of material was wasted. He was a master at his craft, along with other helpers, Bret, Travis, etand Bubba the dog.

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